tweets of the day

Posted by Toshi | | Posted On Oct 30, 2009 at 11:55 PM

  • 00:08 Tomorrow will be the last day for the Connectathon 2009 in Japan. One more test case to go and hope it'll pass w/o any problems #
  • 00:13 Became friends with two students in a team from Taiwan today. Well, people in other vendors are pretty much like friends now. #
  • 00:15 Working and cooperating with other vendors for 5 whole days in Connectathon creates some kind of special bonding. #
  • 00:42 Connectathon 2009 Japan #
  • 08:11 Playing♪ MELODY : FreeTEMPO Feat. Cana (i-dep) : Electronica/Dance #TwitMusic 久々に聞いてるけどやっぱこれいい #
  • 08:41 listened 2 a podcast in a subway & I couldn't stp laughing. God that was funny. #
  • 15:29 just finished the Connectathon with this result. pretty good! #

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