tweets of the day

Posted by Toshi | | Posted On Oct 14, 2009 at 11:56 PM

  • 09:26 google wave, 一人で使うものじゃないな。。。仕事でのメールのやり取りがこんな感じになれば、流れをすぐつかむことができるかも。というか、何事にも流れをつかむことは重要だろうから、何にでも使えるのか。 #
  • 10:12 launching Rational Software Architect.... wonder how long this will take. #
  • 10:14 wondering why do I have to mentally get ready to launch RSA... I always hesitate few seconds to start up this app. #
  • 10:16 here comes RSA. faster than I expected. #
  • 11:22 c4ebreg.exeというプロセスがHDDをフル活用していて、全て� ��反応が遅い。。。。 #
  • 13:35 just met and had lunch w/coworker from Denmark. Lend my pre-paid softbank SIM card which I got it for free, and worked fine with his phone! #
  • 13:38 pre-paid SIM card from softbank is very useful 4 foreigner who will be staying in Japan for few weeks. Needs residency for registration tho. #
  • 17:37 Daniel and Lilian from Denmark からのお土産 #
  • 17:48 お、Notes8.5.1のリリース版をインストールしたらNotes→Google→iphoneの同期がいつの間にか復活してた。ナイス! #
  • 17:49 I tried same thing yesterday and didn't work. RT @TechCrunch Google Wave's Little Secret. It Already Works On The iPhone #
  • 19:57 おぉ、雷が・・・ #
  • 20:04 damn! started to rain like a waterfall! #

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