tweets of the day

Posted by Toshi | | Posted On Oct 6, 2009 at 11:55 PM

  • 00:11 wondering anyone in Japan received an invitation to the Google Wave #
  • 09:44 RT @tweetmeme 10,000+ Hotmail Accounts Exposed [Alert] #
  • 09:45 RT @tweetmeme Facebook Voice Chat App Now Live in Beta #
  • 10:09 starting up the virtual machine.... I need more memory for this. #
  • 10:31 was wondering what's wrong with the vm, but I forgot to turn on the tcp monitor which acts as proxy between the vm and client. no wonder #
  • 13:08 やはり水天宮前のTCAT 2Fの中華のチャーハンはうまい気がする。 #
  • 13:17 rtvscan.exe started to run in background.... #
  • 14:30 how long does it take to launch Rational Software Architect?? I've been waiting for more than 5min and PC is exhaling really hot air #
  • 14:32 just killed process for RSA. #
  • 14:36 間違い電話がかかってきた。。。 #
  • 14:38 同じところから再度電話が・・・・5 と 8 を間違えてたらしい。 #
  • 17:32 RT @IBMResearch: Breaking video: IBM DNA transistor - the future of genome sequencing #
  • 21:04 I favorited a YouTube video -- Hibernate Tutorial With Java #
  • 21:40 RT @aokick3 RT @kazuyo_k RT @cotets: すごいことになるかもしれん。 RT @fujisue: 鳩山総理からtwitterの利用をどうするか質問を受けました。本当に!官邸と相談して進めるます。 #
  • 22:20 Flickr app for iPhone looks nice :) #
  • 22:57 Sanyo Eneloop batteries good for 1,500 recharges, maintain 70% charge even after 3 years in storage #
  • 23:01 VMWare Fusion 3 Makes Running Windows on Mac Almost Fun #

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