tweets of the day
Posted by Toshi | | Posted On Sep 24, 2009 at 11:55 PM
- 08:54 A lot of phone numbers in my iPhone's contact list are missing after syncing it OTA using google sync. #
- 09:04 I exported all of contacts from one gmail account and imported into another gmail account using Google CSV format. Any problem w/this? #
- 12:01 はらへ #
- 19:37 Google Syncでのgmail pushに対応させるため、連絡先とカレンダーもGoogle syncにしたものの、連絡先の一部の人の電話番号が消えている。NuevaSyncでの同期に戻すべきか・・・・。電話番号がないと不便 #
- 20:35 HZにしぶちんがいる。どうやら次のプロジェクトで一緒にな� �みたい。 #
- 21:48 OK, I recovered all the missing phone numbers over the google sync now with a simple tweak. #
- 21:54 testing sekai camera #
- 23:33 something is going wrong with gmail.... really slow now #
- 23:49 getting this error. "Gmail is temporarily unable to access your Contacts. You may experience issues while this persists." #
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