tweets of the day

Posted by Toshi | | Posted On Sep 11, 2009 at 11:55 PM

  • 08:15 My iPhone was down when I woke up this morning. It never happened before upgrading to OS3.1. #
  • 08:23 I need to encrypt my HDD by end of the day. Before that, I have to run check disk and I heard that I can't use my PC for about 2hrs. #
  • 08:25 I hope the virtual machine image in my PC won't be affected by encrypting the HDD. #
  • 08:31 upgradde my Lotus Notes to the newest releace w/o prob last nite. Feels snappier than 8.5 and integration w/Lotus Connections got better #
  • 08:49 2 typos for my last update. #
  • 08:57 running disk check.... #
  • 10:06 Disk check 52% completed. Glad that I printed out some documents to read. #
  • 11:40 11hrs left to encrypt 298GB... #
  • 13:23 21% finished; 6 hours 40 minutes left #
  • 15:30 おっと・・・なぜか質問攻めに遭っている。。 #
  • 19:20 still encrypting HDD. 84% complete. 86min left. 45GB to go!! #
  • 21:01 やっぱOS3.1に変えてからメールの文字入力の反応が格段に向上した。だいぶ速く打てるようになった。 #
  • 22:25 iPhoneのapp storeにトップ売上という項目が追加されている。やはりそこそこの値段のものが売上では上位にいる。 #

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