tweets of the day

Posted by Toshi | | Posted On Sep 4, 2009 at 11:55 PM

  • 08:47 同じく気になったものの、突っ込んだら負けかと思った 笑 RT @Juncoo ん?? RT @GachapinBlog: あっ。 #
  • 08:50 It's nice'n cool today. Where did the summer go?? I like the climate like today w/ more sunshine #
  • 08:59 A woman, maybe around 40's with heavy duty mask, on the subway just found a open seat and ran into the seat. Calm down! #
  • 09:01 and she found another open seat, which seems to be a better one for her, and migrated there. #
  • 09:06 assuming that she found the best seat for her since she is not migrating after taking a seat at the corner. #
  • 09:10 And she happens to get off at the same stop as mine. #
  • 09:31 first thing in the morning I did -> crashed Lotus Notes. #
  • 10:39 Notes crashed, 2nd time today. I was chatting with coworker, and Sametime was receiving messages after the crash. #
  • 11:31 地震?? #
  • 11:32 隣の窓ガラスがミシっと鳴った。。。 #
  • 11:44 nice tool from Microsoft to check whether the port is listening or not. PortQry.exe #
  • 16:29 Notes crashed. while I was using Sametime this time. #
  • 20:41 カメラ #

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