bookmarks of the day 02/10/2010
Posted by Toshi | | Posted On Feb 10, 2010 at 11:30 PM
Shortcuts: Visual Studio 2005 | OJ's rants
- CTRL + Space or CTRL + K, L - Display the Intellisense members drop-down based on the current cursor position, or auto-complete the current symbol.
- CTRL + SHIFT + Space or CTRL + K, P - Display the Intellisense parameter list tool-tip based on the corrent curosr position (handy for when you've forgotten a function's singature).
- CTRL + F3 - Find the next instance of the word under the cursor.
- F3 - Find the next instance of the search word.
- SHIFT + F3 - Find the previous instance of the search word.
- F5 - Run in the debugger.
- SHIFT + F5 - Run without the debugger.
- F6 - Build solution.
- SHIFT + F6 - Build current project.
- F7 - Show code for the current item.
- CTRL + F7 - Compile current file.
- F9 - Toggle breakpoint.
- F10 - Step over current line (while debugging).
- F11 - Step into the current function call (while debugging).
- F12 - Go to definition.
- CTRL + SHIFT + B - Rebuild.
- CTRL + SHIFT + F9 - Remove all breakpoints.
- CTRL + D, B - Show the breakpoints window.
- CTRL + D, E - Show the exceptions window.
- CTRL + D, N - Set breakpoint in a function call.
- CTRL + D, I - Show the Immediate window.
- CTRL + ALT + P - Attach the debugger to a currently running process.
- CTRL + SHIFT + A - Add a new item to the project.
- SHIFT + ALT + A - Add an existing item to the project.
- SHIFT + ALT + C - Add a new class to the project.
- CTRL + - - Navigate to previous location. If you've gone to the definition of a function, or moved to the end of a file, this shortcut will take you back to where you were. Quite handy for when you need to do things like add #includes to the top of the file and then return to where you were before.
- CTRL + SHIFT + - - Same as the previous shortcut, but navigating forward again.
- CTRL + F - Open the Quick Find dialog.
- CTRL + SHIFT + F - Open the Find in Files dialog.
- CTRL + H - Open the Replace dialog.
- CTRL + SHIFT + H - Open the Replace in Files dialog.
- ALT + F12 - Open the Find Symbol dialog.
- CTRL + SHIFT + V - Cycle through the clipboard ring.
- CTRL + K, F - Auto-format current selection.
- CTRL + K, D - Auto-format current document.
- CTRL + K, S - Surround selection with a template/code snippet.
- SHIFT + ALT + Enter - Toggle Fullscreen.
- CTRL + K, K or CTRL + B, T - Toggle bookmark at the current location.
- CTRL + K, N or CTRL + B, N - Move to the next bookmark.
- CTRL + B, P - Move to the previous bookmark.
- CTRL + B, C - Clear all bookmarks.
- CTRL + K, C - Comment out selected text.
- CTRL + K, U - Uncomment selected text.
- CTRL + M, M - Toggle view of current fold.
- CTRL + M, L - Toggle view of all folds.
- CTRL + M, O - Collapse to definitions.
- CTRL + M, H - Hide selected text (shows up as '...').
- CTRL + M, U - Unhide selected text.
SVN Export All Files Changed Between 2 Revisions - Bash - Snipplr
- #!/bin/bash
- if test ! $1; then
- echo "Missing required arguments: repo path, rev1, rev2"
- exit 0
- fi
- REPO=$1
- REV1=$2
- REV2=$3
- for i in $(svn diff --summarize -r $REV1:$REV2 $DOMAIN$REPO | awk '{ print $2 }');
- do p=$(echo $i | sed -e "s{$DOMAIN$REPO/{{");
- mkdir -p $(dirname $p);
- svn export $i $p;
- done
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.