Today's Tweets
Posted by Toshi | | Posted On Jun 9, 2009 at 12:00 AM
- 00:46 原宿に新しくできた花畑牧場の生キャラメルアイスクリーム。これがまたうまかった。。 #
- 07:04 arrived at office 2hrs earlier than as usual, and no one is here yet. hopefully I can get home 2hrs earlier than as usual.... #
- 16:47 I'm already excited with new iPhone. There are too much rumour on it and can't wait to see which of those are going to be real. #
- 20:23 haircut from now. REALLY hungry. #
- 22:34 元気ロケッツ – Heavenly Star (House Nation Remix) #
- 23:38 imported 2 CDs. Stars by MAKAI, and House Nation Best Gig. both awesome! #
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