Today's tweets
Posted by Toshi | | Posted On May 23, 2009 at 12:07 AM
- 00:30 何の店だろ?笑 RT @dailvmh: 六本木にてリーマンブラジャースの呼び込み。なんの店? (via @kogure) #
- 00:51 Upgrading of WebSphere and Rational software takes forever! It has been upgrading for almost 4hrs... maybe something is wrong. #
- 08:03 upgrade is still going on... all most 12hrs. #
- 09:10 Google Chrome: Another 30 Percent Faster? #
- 10:44 this speaker who's speaking right now is moving on really fast, and looks like no one is with him. #
- 13:55 ADT 患者情報を管理し、情報の基準となるアクター. OP、OFに対し、患者情報を連携する. #
- 13:56 OP - オーダ情報を各部門システムに発生させ、その結果を実施結果を受信して管理するアクター. 部門システムよりオーダの進捗状態を受信し、管理する #
- 13:56 ADT, OP -> HIS #
- 13:56 OF, MOD -> RIS #
- 13:56 IM, PPSM -> PACS #
- 14:26 CPI -> Consistent Presentation of Images #
- 14:28 KIN -> Key Image Note #
- 14:36 RT: @mashable: Gmail Down for Many - #
- 19:44 getting hungry... I need to pack up for a baseball camp from tomorrow at around Kamogawa, Chiba. #
- 19:52 50 iPhone Apps for Web Designers & Developers « AppStorm #
- 19:55 Nice CheatSheets by Concentric Sky for iPhone and iPod touch #